4-H Product Sale
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4-H Product Sale

Boulder County Fair Product Sale!!

Stay tuned for details for 2025


Judges’ Choice Dozen Eggs:
The product for the sale will be a dozen eggs from the exhibitor’s project of egg production hens. 4-H member will be selected from exhibitors enrolled in project: Breeding Poultry.

Judges’ Choice Food Preservation:
The items to be sold are unopened products prepared by the youth selected by the judges during interview judging. 4-H member selected from exhibitors enrolled in one of the following projects:
Food Preservation – Units 40, 41, 42, and 43

Judges’ Choice Goat Milk Product:
The product for the sale may be milk from the project dairy goat (if pasteurized) or item made from goat's milk. 4-H member selected from exhibitors enrolled in project Dairy Goats.

Judges’ Choice Plate of No Bake Bars, Baked bar cookies or Cookies:
Judges’ Choice is made from exhibitors enrolled in the following project: Cooking 101 Unit 1

Judges’ Choice Plate of Quick Breads/Scones/Muffins:
Judges’ Choice is made from exhibitors enrolled in the following projects: Cooking 201 Unit 2

Judges’ Choice Flatbread/Double Crust Pie:
Judges’ Choice is made from exhibitors enrolled in the following project: Cooking 401 Unit 4

Judges’ Choice Decorated Cake:
The item to be sold is a new product prepared with an edible cake. 4-H member selected from exhibitors enrolled in one of the following projects: Cake Decorating - Units 1-6

Judges’ Choice Shortened Cakes/Yeast Rolls/Creative Yeast Bread:
Judges’ Choice is made from exhibitors enrolled in the following projects: Cooking 301 Unit 3

Judges’ Choice Best Photo:
The product for the sale will be an 8 X 10 print or enlargement of the judge’s choice selection. 4-H member will be selected from exhibitors in the following project: Photography Project Units 1-6.

Add On Form

If you would like to support 4-H youth in the Product Sale but cannot attend in person, or would like to make a donation to multiple youth, just fill out this form and bring it to the Fair Office during the Boulder County Fair, or you can mail it in. If you would like to pay by credit card you can use the "Donate" button at the top of the web page and specify the youth's name and Product Sale.
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