Our Boulder County Families
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Our Boulder County Families

Clarence Kneebone Story

Clarence Kneebone has been a part of the Boulder County Fair where he's volunteered for more than 25 years.

Please click on the link below to see the full write up on Clarence

Courtesy of: Patricia Logan
Reporter Left Hand Valley Courier Writer/Producer - Print, Digital, Video

Boulder County Fair Family 2024

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The Kobobel Family is honored to be selected as the 2024 Fair Family of the year.

Bill and Margaret have been married for 60 years and have lived in the Longmont area their entire married life on the family farm east of Longmont. Bill was born in Greeley and grew up on his third-generation family farm in eastern Colorado. He and his family raised sugar beets, grain and potatoes as well as livestock. Bill showed cattle and hogs growing up and loved to participate in local rodeos. Margaret was born in Providence Rhode Island then moved to Denver as a child. She quickly adapted to farm life and love for the livestock and supporting the community. Bill and Margaret have one daughter, Jenea. Her husband John their children Devin and Alexzandria (Alex) continue to be involved in the Boulder County Fair today.

Bill attended Colorado State University before working for Goldens then Flatiron Paving beginning his career in the construction and paving industry. In 1992 he opened Idaho Creek Gravel Company. Margaret began her successful real estate career and has been selling Real Estate along the front range for over 50 years. When Jenea was 8 years old, she became a member of Rinn Valley Livestock and Pleasant View Sheep keepers 4-H clubs, raising cattle and sheep. Jenea held various offices in each club during her 4-H career. Jenea was a member of the Boulder County Wool Judging team who went on to judge wool at the national level in Texas. During her 4-H career, Jenea exhibited her projects at Local, State and National arenas.

Bill served on the Boulder County Junior Livestock Sale Committee. The family hosted the Boulder County beef weigh in/tag at the family farm for 12 years. While Jenea was in 4-H the family held sheep workshops at the farm, and parties and events for the 4-H club members and their families. The family made so many friends through 4-H, all lasting relationships that still exist today. Bill would often transport livestock to various shows for members of the 4-H club. The first year Jenea showed at Boulder County Fair was the last year the fair was held at Roosevelt Park. Bill was instrumental in working on the new fairgrounds project through his job.

Alexzandria began showing cattle when she was 8 years old and was a member of Hooves and Chutes and held various offices over the years. Alex had a rewarding show career at the Boulder County Fair with Grand Champion and Reserve Market Beef, Grand Champion and Reserve Breeding Beef. She also was awarded Reserve Champion Market Beef at the NILE in Billings Montana. She has exhibited her cattle at the local, state and National level. Alex graduated from University of Northern Colorado with a biology degree in 2022. Alex announces and organizes the beef show at the fair and assists Ronda Weber (Jenea’s best friend) who serves as the hog superintendent with the hog show. Alex also works the Boulder County Junior Livestock Sale every year. She enjoys giving back to the Fair and has fond memories of her years showing at the Boulder County Fair.

The family continues to support the fair. John and Jenea volunteer their time and are on the Boulder County Junior Livestock Sale Committee. Jenea has volunteered as the Beef Superintendent for the past 5 years, with the help of John, Alex and Ronda. She loves working with young people, watching them learn and succeed. John and Alex enjoy assisting in clipping and fitting cattle and assisting exhibitors with their projects. John is always willing to pitch in and help—especially with anything to do with cattle. Bill and Margaret continue to support the Market Sale each year.

Raising and showing livestock has always been a family affair and a very rewarding part of their lives. They continue to raise cattle on their farm and exhibit cattle at various shows.

Boulder County Fair Family 2023

The Janicki-Knutson Family photo

The Charnoff family is honored to be the 4-H Fair Family of the Year!

The Charnoff family got started in 4-H because Breanna and Joseph wanted to show goats. After attending the Boulder County Fair to check out what that would look like they quickly made the decision that 4-H was something they wanted to be involved in. They joined the Goats & Galore 4-H Club and quickly became involved in dairy goats, utility goats, and poultry. Breanna and Joseph showed until they aged out. Breanna has continued volunteering as both the poultry assistant superintendent and the cat assistant superintendent since aging out. Though the kids have aged out, Brande wanted to continue to support the program in any way necessary and has held different positions throughout different committees. Brande took on the poultry superintendent position and then cat superintendent position.

This has become an event that the entire family is involved in, and we would not be able to do it without each other’s support. Wally, Joseph, Adam, and Emma have been setup crew, take down crew, barn watch, show help, judges, and anything else that is needed. As the family grows it continues to be a family tradition to support 4-H and the fair. Asher is the youngest member and cannot wait until he is old enough to join. It is truly a beloved family event!

4-H and the Boulder County Fair has been a wonderful place for our family to be and we look forward to supporting it for years to come!

Boulder County Fair Family 2022

The Janicki-Knutson Family photo

Meet the Janicki-Knutson family! Anne was born and raised in the Washington, DC suburbs and Kent grew up in Brookings, SD. Kent and Anne both moved to Colorado in 1980 to attend graduate school in Denver and they have lived in Boulder County for 34 years. Anne spent her career working with Colorado water rights and water resources and retired in 2018. Kent has worked in the electric power industry for close to 40 years.

We are relative newcomers to 4-H and the Boulder County Fair. Kent’s older siblings raised cattle and grew corn and other crops in South Dakota and were very involved in 4-H. But Kent grew up in town and only spent summers out at the farm. Growing up in suburban DC, very few folks were involved in 4-H, but working with water right owners around Colorado gave Anne a great introduction to agriculture and the hard working families that steward the land and produce our food.

Kent and Anne raised three children (Mark, Caitlin and Jenna) and were active in youth sports and scouting activities. We attended County Fair to see the animals, listen to music and ride the carnival rides. But it wasn’t until our youngest daughter, Jenna, became interested in showing dogs that our family discovered Boulder County 4-H!

Jenna joined the 4x4 4-H Dog Club in 2010 and shortly thereafter, the leader stepped down and the club was about to be dissolved. After much pleading from Jenna, Anne signed up to be the club leader. Very quickly, it became apparent to our family that 4-H was unlike any other youth organization we had been involved with! This was an organization focused on growing strong leaders for our future by helping our youth develop confidence, independence, leadership and real life skills!!

Since becoming a 4-H Club leader, Anne has been the 4-H Dog Superintendent, Adult Advisory Council President, Dog Advisory Council President, 4-H Carnival Committee member, State Dog Committee Representative, and frequent Fair volunteer. Caitlin and Jenna are also very active 4-H Project Leaders and County Fair volunteers. Kent, while being the brawn behind many of our County’s 4-H Dog events, particularly enjoys volunteering at County Fair, and secretly hopes for a lifetime appointment as a Golf Cart/Courtesy Cart Driver!!

Surely, Boulder County 4-H has changed over its 100+ year history, but it is so rewarding to see urban families connecting back to our County’s agricultural heritage, learning strong values of community service, leadership and responsibility, and learning to help themselves and others. We are incredibly grateful to all the wonderful families and leaders who have taught us so much and who we now call friends, and we are so very grateful to be a part of Boulder County 4-H and County Fair!

Boulder County Fair Family 2021

2021 Fair Family, the Hansens
The Hansen family is honored to be featured as the 4-H Fair Family of the Year.
Phil and Anne (Regnier) Hansen came from long lines of farming families. Phil’s linage originated mostly in Denmark and Germany. Anne’s mostly in Belgium and Germany. Most of their great-grandparents moved to the United States in search of more land and opportunity. Lessons of hard work, responsibility, respectfulness, leadership and trusting one’s intuition were taught and practiced.
“We taught our kids, Kyle and Melanie, what our parents and grand parents taught us. We love the farming lifestyle and actively chose to bring two unique souls into this world to share this with.”
Like generations before them, Phil and Anne supported their kids at every step. They taught by example while life’s inevitable lessons, both awe inspiring and tear producing, helped the Hansen family build a strong foundation. As the kids grew, Anne became Rinn Valley Livestock’s 4-H organizational leader. Together, the Hansen family, with dedicated, active Rinn Valley club members and parents, were on the 4-H path of learning and growth.
Through 4-H, Kyle and Melanie enjoyed practicing lessons of old as well as experiencing new horizons.
Like Anne had taken years before, both kids were active in market beef. Kyle took woodworking and Melanie was also active in horse through the Easy Riders club, as well as taking dog and sheep. Kyle and Melanie were active in shooting sports with Kyle taking archery, .22, shotgun and black powder rifle and Melanie taking archery and .22.
In their early years, the Hansen kids learned through the 4-H organization how fun volunteering was through small amounts during fun events. Over time they learned to organize these activities and teach younger 4-H members to volunteer while having fun learning as they had. The generational teaching continues.
Kyle and Melanie were active participants of many 4-H events. Both Kyle and Melanie held officer positions in Rinn Valley Livestock 4-H club, Boulder County Youth Council, and District 2 4-H. Both were on the Colorado State 4-H team with Kyle serving as State President his last 4-H year.
4-H learning embraces many areas, including teaching business skills. As these areas were important to Anne and Phil, they both helped with the 4-H record book judging and with the 4-H Livestock Sale Committee. Anne was a 4-H advisor for both Youth Council and District 2, making it a priority to help teach the kids to run their meetings through learning Parliamentary Procedure. Currently, Anne is the Parliamentary Procedure coach for Boulder County 4-H.
Carrying on the traditions of old and embracing today’s creative world of communication and technology describe the path of the Hansen family.
Phil and Anne continue to actively learn and are implementing precision agriculture. Kyle works for Trimble, in their agricultural division as a computer software engineer. He graduated from CSM with a mechanical engineering degree and will finish his masters of computer science in December. Melanie works for Climate FieldView, a precision agriculture technology company. She continues her education at NDSU in Fargo ND, majoring in precision agriculture and agriculture systems management and minoring in agricultural communication and agriculture business.
“Reflecting back on our 4-H years, we cherish the time we had in 4-H, the friends we have made along the way, and the improvements in our lives from our experiences. Like our parents and grandparents, we taught our kids to be respectful, responsible, hardworking and helpful. To be leaders so as to help themselves and others. Also, to make learning and self-growth an important priority. To have an organization in which to enroll our kids where the staff and volunteers are teaching these same values was important to us. We whole heartedly thank all of these dedicated people who truly care about kids. Together through 4-H we have a community of families learning life lessons to enhance our success and enjoyment in life. “

Boulder County Fair Family 2020

2020 Fair Family, the Tayefehs
The Tayefeh family, Becki, Morovat, Nora And Nina, have been Involved with the Boulder County Fair since 1979. At the age of eight, Becki and later her sister Andi, together with their parents Fred and Vickie Neugebauer, began raising and showing Southdown sheep at the Boulder County Fair. As the girls grew taller, so did the sheep they raised; pure bred Suffolks and Hampshires were their choice market lambs. They both completed 10 years in 4-H raising and showing sheep, pigs, horses, and participating in many General Projects, and lots of Round Robin contests. They are very thankful to their parents who worked so hard to provide them with the special opportunities that 4-H offers to youth, all the while instilling a love for and responsibility of animals and the land.

After 4-H ended for Becki, she decided she wasn't quite ready to part from the Boulder County Fair, so she was active in the Junior Fair Board for a while and then went on to become the 1992 Boulder County Fair and Rodeo Queen. She traveled to many cities and towns in Colorado, riding in parades and rodeos, public speaking while representing the Boulder County Fair.

Andi and Becki have continued the 4-H tradition with their families. Andi currently lives in Wyoming with her children, Ella and Owen, who participate in the Converse County 4-H program, showing dogs, pigs, rabbits and horses, working through many General Projects and archery. Andi volunteers her time as a horse project leader, passing on her knowledge to the young 4-H'ers.

Becki and Morovat encourage their girls, Nora and Nina, to explore the many learning opportunities 4-H has to offer. They participate in projects such as horse, dog, poultry, entomology, archery, arts and crafts. The girls continue to hold various officer positions within their clubs as well as county youth council representatives. They volunteer at many club fundraising activities including carnival, dog fun matches, AKC/UKC dog show set ups and tear downs, and horse shows. Becki is an active project leader for their three clubs; 4x4 Dog Club, the Rocky Mountain Snowbirds and Boulder Valley Riders. She is also Assistant Superintendent to Anne Knutson in the County Dog Project. For the dog project, Becki serves as treasurer for the Dog Advisory Council, and she created and maintains the website for the annual county 4-H fun match. During fair, she helps keep the 4-H dog show running smooth by assisting with early check in as well as helping in the office tallying scores. She volunteers her time as a judge's clerk for the 4-H poultry show. Becki also helped design and implement the online story cards for the 4-H Livestock Sale. They open their home for various events within these clubs and offer their vehicles and horse trailer for hauling equipment, or their barn for storage of club carnival booths. Nora and Nina are avid learners and uphold the true principles of Head, Heart, Hands and Health by offering their knowledge to other members and for filling all of their commitments to their many projects, often going above and beyond the basic requirements, and by being genuinely respectful, kind and helpful to all other 4-H members.

Becki and Andi will continue the 4-H tradition beyond when their children have aged out, and hope their children will do the same. The 4-H community provides a rich selection of opportunities because it extends beyond raising and showing animals. Kids in 4-H learn the value of leadership within their clubs and how it reaches on to their county, state and beyond. They make true friends that transcend time, and they enrich their communities with the help they provide others. Being involved in 4-H has given their family amazing gifts, and they want to pay it forward to future generations by staying actively involved and promoting 4-H.

Boulder County Fair Family 2019

Domenico Family- Fair Family of 2019
Cindy Domenico
Domenico Family photo- Fair Family of the year 2019

The Domenico family has been involved with the Boulder County Fair since 1965. Cindy, her sister Joellen and her brother Robert were involved in the 4-H program. Their projects included both beef and dairy and general home Economic projects. As part of their 4-H participation, Cindy and Joellen were both members of the Boulder County 4-H Dairy Judging team, Cindy was a member the Home Economics Judging team, and both were involved in the 4-H Council. Their mother was deeply involved in helping them and other members of the club take part in all 4-H activities. Cindy was a delegate to 4-H Citizenship Shortcourse in Washington, D.C. Later, when Cindy had her own daughter, she became a leader assisting with Shooting Sports and GIS projects. Her daughter, Julia, was a 4-H member for 6 years. Since Cindy became a Boulder County Commissioner in 2007, she has supported the county fair in helping fund and attending events, and has supported investments in improvements to the fairgrounds facility. Cindy also serves on the Colorado State University State Extension Advisory Committee.

The Domenico family has a rich farming history in eastern Boulder County. Their great-grandfather arrived in the Lafayette area in the 1880s, found the farm of his dreams and raised his family there, just west of Lafayette. The 80-acre farm helped three extended families survive the great Depression, provided food and goods to Saint Mother Cabrini for her orphanage, and was a small grade A dairy until the mid-1960s. There are many wonderful memories of silo filling, haying, cows and baby calves, farm dogs and cats, and a great life on a small diversified farm in Boulder County.

The family is a strong supporter of the agriculture community and providing educational opportunities for Boulder County residents to learn about agriculture and all the other skills that are exhibited at the Fair. They are supporters of 4-H and all the education and leadership opportunities that it provides the youth of Boulder County.

Boulder County Fair Family 2018

The Penner Family, Arlene, Steve and daughter Morgan, have been heavily involved in the fair each year not only through their involvement in the 4-H program but volunteer and assist in other areas at the fair – for example volunteering their tractor and personnel to drag the arena during the tractor pulls and demo derby as well as straw for numerous fair events. Steve color codes the sold sale animals to designate the buyers at the Market Sale, volunteers a skid steer and helps clean the beef barn and also helps with tag-in in March, Arlene is the treasurer and past secretary for the Market Sale Committee and volunteers at the beef show and round robin. Morgan donates cattle for the showmanship demonstration as well as being the instructor for youth on showmanship and beef husbandry. She volunteers at the beef show as ring stewardess and also helps in the Round Robin. The Penner family has provided the housing for an FFA member who didn’t have the facility to do a project. Steve and Arlene are also involved in other organizations – Soil conservation (Arlene past president), FFA advisors, ditch companies, FFA judging team, F.A.I.R. just to name a few. Arlene is the youth advisor for the Junior Angus Association. Morgan was a 4-H member for 10 years with her major projects of beef and horse. She has an agricultural business degree and is involved in the family farm/ranch. They are always very willing to help in any way they can and make a model Boulder County Fair Family.

Boulder County Fair Family 2017

The Struthers Family’s journey with 4H began in the late 1960’s when Anne Struthers became the leader of the Evergreen 4H Club, Sue and her sisters Jodi and Amy began their 4H careers in general projects like cooking, and Veterinary Science. As soon as possible Joe and Anne Struthers purchased a parcel of land and invested in the families first livestock projects, a small herd of Shorthorn cows. Jodi and Sue concentrated on breeding beef and rabbit breeding projects for the next decade until they both aged out of 4H. The family rejoined 4H in 2006 when Sue’s daughter Kenzie turned six and was old enough to join. Kenzie joined the Critters and Creations Club and Sue became a project leader with the club. Sue and Kenzie decided that a goat project would be fun, so Kenzie got three angora goats. As the herd grew and Kenzie started to bring friends home she would ask them if they wanted to join 4H. All of them wanted to join, but they all lived in town and couldn’t have goats. Kenzie decided that she wanted to share with other children even if she was beaten by her own goat in the show ring.. Working with the extension agent Sue and Kenzie developed the Lease A Goat program in 2013 as a trial run with 5 kids. Over the years the program has grown from 5 members to 16 members. Many of the youth who started in the Lease A Goat program have continued on with other projects. Over the years the Fiber Goat show has grown and up until she passed in Aug 2015, Anne Struthers was a sponsor of the goat show and spent every fair in the goat barn. Kenzie has been very active in her 4H career with fiber goat and breeding rabbit projects, She has served as an officer in Critters and Creations for three years, is a member of the youth council serving as Vice President this year, and has attended Leadership Development Conference and the State Senate. Kenzie has been Boulder County’s Outstanding 4H Member as both and Intermediate and a Senior. She is a member of the Rabbit judging team and won Reserve Champion Intermediate Round Robin and Champion Senior Round Robin. Sue keeps busy with teaching showmanship and animal husbandry every weekend. Nothing makes Sue and Kenzie happier than seeing 4H youth learn, grow and succeed in their 4H projects.

Boulder County Fair Family 2016

Cassidy Family - David and DeAnna Cassidy along with their daughter Samantha (Sami) Cassidy are the 2016 Boulder County Fair Family of the Year.

David and DeAnna have been 4-H project leaders for 20 years with Fairview Crops and Livestock 4-H club. They have a small farm in Longmont where they raise pigs, beef cattle, and harvest the irrigated hay for their livestock and others. The farm has been in the family since 1959. David is a Longmont native and was a part of the Junior Fair Board for about 8 years, along with being the Rabbit Superintendent for a few years, he helped in many areas of the fair as his parents were very involved. Jerry and Margaret Cassidy were the recipients of this Fair Family honor in 1996. David and DeAnna married in 1997 and have been fully involved in the 4-H program and the County fair since. In addition to their farm they both work full time with companies in the Ag industry.

While their three kids were involved in the fair they helped with hogs, horses, beef, rabbits, cakes, clothing, rockets and many others projects as the kids chose them. Along with being projects leaders with Fairview Crops and Livestock Club they have been co-superintendents in the Hog department for 4 years, Market Sale Committee members, Market Sale Auction supporters, also hosting their 2 clubs parade floats. They have both also exhibited in the fairs open class projects several years. DeAnna has been the Club leader of the Boulder County Clover Bud Club for 4 years, 6 years as a Rabbit Judging Team Coach, 6 years as the Leaders Council President, also one of the active leaders helping with Countywide project specific meetings. DeAnna received the 2014 Boulder County Parks and Open Space Outstanding 4-H volunteer Award, for her involvement in the overall program.

Sami was in 4-H for 14 years, now a leader in Fairview Crops and Livestock club. She showed hogs for 8 years, participating in the market sale with them 7 years, rabbits for 10 years, along with clothing, rockets, cakes, photography plus many more, and continues to be involved in the fair helping others and entering open class projects. She has now become a caregiver and QMAP at a memory care facility in Longmont and loving it. She is also very involved in her church and is there any time she can be. However, she wishes she could go back and show her pigs more.

DeAnna, David, and Sami are very thankful for the 4-H program and the County fair for all it has given to them and their family. Especially for all of the additional “family” members they have gained with the awesome people they have come to know through both. 4-H is a great experience for youth and their families. They feel very blessed to be part of 4-H and meeting all the families because of the involvement.

Boulder County Fair Family 2015

Mike and Kathy Litzenberger, along with their daughters Diana, and Jennifer and her husband Chad Musick, are the 2015 Boulder County Fair Family of the Year.

Mike and Kathy have been 4-H Leaders of the Liberty Livestock 4-H Club for 16 years. They farm irrigated crops and dryland, and run a cattle herd with their kids near Mead, Colorado. Mike grew up showing hogs and cattle at the Boulder County Fair, and continued to stay involved with the fair through the Sale BBQ, Market Sale Committee and his daughters showing livestock. Kathy enjoys her job as a registered nurse, and has been involved with the fair since the girls started showing. She has been a crucial part of building the Liberty Livestock 4-H club, which is now 34 members strong!

Diana is in her 8th year of showing cattle and hogs at the Boulder County Fair, and has participated in cake decorating a couple of years as well. She will be a Junior at Mead High School. Diana enjoys breeding and raising show pigs and has established her own part of the families breeding cattle herd. In addition, she is involved in FFA where she made it to district creed speaking, and was also awarded gold at state Meats Judging this past spring.

Jennifer showed cattle for 11 years, and also showed hogs, dogs, and did cake decorating throughout her time in 4-H. After graduating from Colorado State University, she became the co-organizational leader for Liberty Livestock and is working on her 7th year as a 4-H leader. She also serves as the Market Sale Committee Secretary and helps out with the cattle and swine shows during the fair. Jennifer and her husband Chad live outside Longmont, where they farm with both their families and she markets beef cattle. Chad has also become highly involved in the fair sale BBQ, and helping out with fundraisers, parades, and livestock events with Liberty Livestock.

The Boulder County Fair is a long awaited event each year for the Litzenberger’s, as they spend countless hours working livestock as a family. Together, the two daughters have had show cattle in the barn for 19 years straight. Jennifer and Diana greatly appreciate the amazing support that their parents have given them throughout their 4-H years, as it has helped to sculpt them into the young ladies they have become.

4-H is a great experience for youth and their families, and the Litzenberger’s are honored to be the fair family of the year!

Boulder County Fair Family 2014

Russ and Donna Nanney together have served Boulder County more than 50 years. They have two daughters: Jamie, 24, and Kristine, 21.

Among the commendations that Russ Nanney has received during his years of service with the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office are: Officer of the Year, Meritorious Service Award, four certificates of commendation, three captain’s commendations, Boulder Optimist Officer of the Year, and 69 citizens’ thank-you letters. He served on the S.W.A.T. team for 11 years. He was a firearms instructor for 30 years, a school resource officer at Niwot High School for 10 yearsand a detective for seven years.

For his last nine years as a the Boulder County Sheriff’s deputy, Russ Nanney worked security at the Boulder County fair. It was a natural fit for Nanney, whose 30-year career wrapped up with an assignment with Boulder County Parks and Open Space, which is in charge of the fairgrounds. One of his most memorable shifts was when he paid $5 to ride a camel.

Boulder County Fair Family 2013

Front row from left: Stella May Montgomery, Bonnie Smith, James Smith, Beverly Smith. Back row from left: Logan Willert, Kellen Willert, Blake Willert, Jenelle Willert, Tiana Smith, Emily LaRae Smith, Dolly Goff, Arody Goff, Frank Goff. 
Smith Family - 2013 Fair Family
Bonnie and James Smith bleed 4-H green. Bonnie’s grandmother, Marie Montgomery, started the Fairview Crops and Livestock Club 85 years ago.
Bonnie’s parents met at a 4-H dance social — future Dad putting way too much ice cream on future Mom’s plate –before becoming leaders themselves. Bonnie and James not only picked up the torch, they touched their kids with the flame. Three of their four daughters have been judges or superintendents at the Boulder County Fair; the fourth, Tiana, is still competing herself, preparing 11 different projects.
Now the Smith grandkids are 4-H generation number five. Don’t bet against number six someday.

Boulder County Fair Family 2012 (Co-Families)

Lisa and Brian Wallace with daughters Nicole and Morgan are Boulder County Fair Family of the Year for 2012. Lisa works in the 4-H office in addition to being a 4-H leader for 15 years. She is the Boulder County Dance Team organizational leader taking her group of junior, intermediate and seniors to county Challenge Day and the ultimate event the Colorado State Fair held in Pueblo over Labor Day Weekend. Lisa tirelessly manages 40 to 60 4-Hers and their parents getting them to practice weekly, ordering dance costumes and preparing them for showmanship. She believes every individual contributes to the dance routine and works with them to achieve their personal best. Lisa doesn’t loose momentum there but has supported her two daughters taking them to club meetings and shooting sports practices. She even signed on to the horse project supporting clinics and shows.

Brian travels the country to help fairs and rodeos market themselves, then brings the best ideas back home through his business, Image Masters. He is a huge support to his daughters and their 4-H endeavors encouraging them to be competitors. Brian has even gone so far as build hog pens and a horse barn to accommodate his daughters involvement in agriculture.

That Nicole enjoyed 4-H so much that she is a current 4-H leader and superintendent. According to Nicole, “I’ve loved seeing the kids grow as much as I did.” She then adds “sometimes I get jealous. I wish I was still in it. But they are lots of fun.” It doesn’t matter whether it is a field day, meeting, dance practice or competition, Nicole is always there supporting the 4-Her and leading them to be effective adults.

Morgan, a sophomore at Mead High School, is very active in 4-H honing her dance skills on the dance team and practicing to attend the National 4-H shoots each year. She has followed her mother and sister for so many years that it is great that she excels in her competitions receiving numerous awards throughout the year. Morgan even branched out learning equine husbandry and riding.

Boulder County is very lucky and honored to have the Wallace family involved in the County fair.

Boulder County Fair Family 2012 (Co-Families)

Vetter Family
Tom, Nancy and twins Corrina and Travis are 2012 Boulder County Fair Family of the Year. Their involvement with the fair started with the kids 4-H activities. Tom started both of them in archery where he is currently the State 4-H archery superintendent. He also volunteers his time with the record book and project boards for the county. “Kids listen to kids,” Tom said. “The more we can teach kids to teach other kids, then 4-H’ll be around forever. And they’ll have fun doing it. … When you help a kid realize their dream of shooting a perfect score, or just hitting the target for the first time, and they turn to you with a smile on their face – that’s what it’s about. When they achieve, we achieve.” Tom is very supportive in the activities of his own kids and attends the functions with them always willing to lend a helping hand.

Nancy’s inquisitive mind has led her to be the Boulder County horse council president and the treasurer on Boulder County Fair Board. She attended functions with her kids and wanted to contribute to making the activities a success for those involved. Nancy laughingly says that her and Tom’s date nights are going to have to be to meetings. She listens to members, questions why, and proposes alternative ways of doing things which are instrumental in changing some of our traditional ways of doing things to fit a changing society. Nancy is very active taking her teenagers to the various functions necessary to raising them.

Corrina counts off her various 4-H projects of horse, dog, rabbit, shooting sports, photography and scrapbooking as the variety of interests that she has held. Her horse remains to be forthright in her mind and after competing at a performance level, she likes the adrenaline rush of barrel racing these days. Travis, on the other hand, finds baking, dogs and robotics his favorite activities. He has been very helpful to his mother in many activities. Both kids attend Berthoud High School and will be driving very soon.

Boulder County has a great fair family that his very helpful at the multitude of events.

Boulder County Fair Family 2011 (Co-Families)

Pattee-Thero Family

Mike Thero and Donna Pattee are longtime Boulder County Fair supporters.
Donna Pattee, a fair royalty co-coordinator, supported their daughter in a 4-H club horse project who went on to serve as Boulder County Fair royalty 1997 through 1999.

That led to her long record of supporting youths in horse-related activities — as a 4-H leader, as president of the Horse Leaders Council in the mid-1990s, as fair horse show superintendent and as the Boulder County Hippology Team coach in 2002. That year, she also began writing the horse show’s written tests.

There grew up in Colorado Springs, and was a fair board member in the mid-1990s. To support the fair’s agriculture traditions and the 4-H kids who raise livestock, the family now joins three other couples to buy a steer and donate it to Meals on Wheels.But Thero reminds that the local 4-H clubs that flood the fair with projects every August now include categories beyond the animals, home economics and arts and crafts. Technology and the photography projects he oversees as the fair’s photography superintendent often include a class open to all ages, which encouraged his family to participate together.

Boulder County Fair Family 2011 (Co-Families)

Marsha and Jerry Slepicka hope that many years of encouraging their kids to care for chickens, restore old tractors and perfect a pie crust as part of 4-H Club project activities geared toward fair competition helped them teach responsibility, patience and persistence with fair ribbon potential.

Leaders of the Niwot Nifties 4-H club, they encourage their children to explore all that 4-H has to offer. One year, the Slepicka children entered 30 projects at the fair. They ran a backyard egg business for nearly a decade on their 2-acre hobby farm by twins Jessie and Brandon, 15. Now however the boys and their sister, Vanessa, 18, are too busy with high school activities and college to sell eggs.

Their journey began in 1996 when they purchased a 1946 John Deere tractor to restore for fair competition. Now, more than a dozen little vintage tractors sit on their front lawn, either retired from competition or on the way to it at the fairgrounds.

When Vanessa Slepicka turned 18, she aged out of 4-H club programs and left behind that deep groove in her childhood. She can still compete in the open classes that include adults. But the Northern Colorado University sophomore who now lives in Greeley plans to relax this year by enjoying the fair food and exhibits as a spectator.

Boulder County Fair Family 2010 (Co-Families)

Pohlmann Family
In July, Ricky and Tina will have been married for 28 years. They have lived in eastern Boulder County for 29 years.
Tina is a Colorado Native and grew up in the Louisville and Longmont area. She was a 4-H member for 10 years carrying horse, dairy cattle, poultry, and rabbit projects. She earned the highest level, Advanced Horseman, in the horse project. She competed at the State level with her horse and dairy projects. She was a member of the “first team” from Boulder County to become the Colorado Champion Horse Judging Team and went to Columbus, Ohio where the team placed 5th at the National level. She continued as a 4-H Leader for another 9 years, where she was the Horse Superintendent for the Boulder County Fair for 4 years, and was the Boulder County Riding Team Coach for 3 years. She continues her equestrian interest as a qualified State Rater in western horsemanship.

Ricky was born in Iowa, but grew up in Boulder. He graduated from Boulder High, and went on to earn his college degree. He was a handler and a runner of the original CU mascot, Ralphie, while working at a well-known dairy farm. He’s really a city kid, but caught on quickly around livestock.

Both Tina and Ricky took a break from the 4-H program, but continued to exhibit at the fair in the Open Class divisions in Photography, Crop Show, Canning/Food Preservation, and competing in the Jaycees’ Jeep Pull.

With the birth of their son, Tyrell, their presence at the fair increased. Tyrell first exhibited at the fair in the Open Class Preschool Art division then later, the novelty vegetable classes and youth oriented theme flower arrangements. He showed in the Bucket Calf, Open Class Scarecrow and Birdhouse contests, Open Class Youth Crops & Garden classes and had the opportunity to show his first goat and sheep in the Novice Classes using animals provided by 4-H members. Many of his early entries to the fair were art or projects that he had done throughout the year that were able to fit somewhere in an Open Class Department.

When Tyrell turned 8 years old, he enrolled in 4-H, and Tina and Ricky became 4-H Leaders again. At the urging of other 4-H families, they started the Critters & Creations 4-H Club where Tina has been the Organizational Leader. Tyrell currently carries 6 projects: Breeding, Dairy and Market Goats; Dairy Cattle; Advanced Food Preservation and Papercrafts in Creative Arts. He has held almost all of the offices in the club through the years, and has twice received the Boulder County Outstanding 4-H Member Award. He has been a teen clerk at the fair and is currently a 4-H Ambassador where he promotes the 4-H program. He has won numerous Grand Champion awards at the county and state level with his cattle and food preservation projects. He has also competed at the National level with his cattle where he has won several prestigious awards. This year Tyrell graduated from Peak to Peak Charter School where he is a member of the National Honor Society.

Tyrell is the third generation that has continually supported the Boulder County Fair. His grandmother, Sylvia Varra was a large part of Boulder County Fair, entering numerous Open Class entries in several Departments herself, for over 40 years. She encouraged and supported many of Tyrell’s interests all through the years, by saying “I think that would be a good Fair project for you.” By her saying that, most of the ideas/projects he started, he completed, just so that he could proudly enter them at the fair. She was like a permanent fixture at the fair and she never missed any of his shows. Sylvia passed away August 12th 2009, we miss her dearly, but we still feel her encouragements and know in our hearts she will not miss the fair this year!

Tina is currently the Dairy Cattle Superintendent and Assistant Market Goat Superintendent. She has also been the Superintendent of the Crops & Garden show, Breeding and Market Goats, and the Open Class Creative Living and Arts Fair Board Representative. Although not a fair board member, she attends their monthly meetings. She sits on the 4-H Leaders Council where she is the Home Economics Representative, 4-H Product Sale Committee as Vice President and the Junior Livestock Sale Committee as a member.

Ricky likes to be the man behind the scene. He can be seen at many functions, but work scheduling makes it difficult for advanced planning. He prefers the flexibility to be able to balance his 4-H activities with his job, and devote the time that he has to working with the youth in their 4H Club. Volunteer awards are not new to the Pohlmann family. They have been recognized by the Saint Vrain Valley School District, Boulder County Commissioners, and by the Boulder County Parks & Open Space for their volunteer efforts.

Boulder County Fair Family 2010 (Co-Families)

Condon Family
The Condon’s family’s involvement with the fair began over 50 years ago and has been going strong ever since. Bob and Amy and their six children have been active 4-H members and exhibitors in the Yesteryear Show. Bob’s family has a long history of farming in Boulder County. Both he and Amy share a strong commitment to education and preserving Boulder’s farm heritage. They have been involved in leadership roles and continue to donate their time and passion to ensuring the success of the fair. Bob joined 4-H in 1957 as a member of Bob Montgomery’s livestock and tractor clubs and Muriel Montgomery’s all boys food club. From then until 1965 he exhibited projects including dairy, tractor, foods, and shooting sports.

Later, in 1968 he was a Commercial Exhibitor at the Fair with his lawn equipment business. Bob has many fond memories of the Fair at Roosevelt Park. Bob and Amy were active with three of their children Ben, Laura, and Caitlin in the Handy Helpers and the Fairview Crops and Livestock Clubs from the mid 1990’s through 2008. Amy served as a project leader for several projects throughout these years. Amy has been the Bake Shop Superintendent for Open Class at the Fair for over 10 years assisted by daughters Laura and Caitlin. The entire family including Kim, Micah, Jason, Ben, Laura, and Caitlin have been involved with bringing the steam engines to the fair and demonstrating them during the Yesteryear Show and tractor shows. Bob has been involved with many of the details of the Fair which make it a smooth running event. In 2005, Bob joined the Fair Board and has worked with the Board to get the Fair to be an economically sustainable event which can be enjoyed by both the rural community and their urban neighbors.

Boulder County Fair Family 2009

As the Boulder County Fair celebrates its 140 Anniversary – it is with great pride that we announce the 2009 Family of the Year: The Cook Family – Colorado natives Mike, Marilyn, Molly, and Katherine.

The Cook Family live in Berthoud and have been involved with 4-H in Boulder County for over 10 years. Their dedication, passion and commitments to the 4-H program and the Fair are amazing.

Dad, Mike Cook grew up in El Paso County 4-H. He serves as the Boulder County 4-H Foods Superintendent, is the Organizational Leader for the Silver Spurs 4-H Club, and has served on the 4-H Leaders Council and the County Carnival committee. In 2006, he served as the Colorado 4-H Air Rifle Team Coach for the National Invitational. He is the current President of Boulder County 4-H Shooting Sports Council and the President of the Colorado 4-H Foundation. Mike has worked to implement a new addition to the County Fair for 2009 – a 4-H Product Sale. This event will allow the public to bid on the best of non-livestock 4-H projects like breads, pies, cookies, decorated cake, eggs, dairy and goat milk. Always with the smile, a quick comeback, or a solution to the problem at hand, he is a dedicated supporter of the Boulder County Fair.

Mother Marilyn Cook not only supports all of the same programs as Mike, but also takes on the roll of Boulder County 4-H Heritage Arts Superintendent. Marilyn was in 4-H in Jefferson County in her youth and now serves as the Silver Spurs 4-H Club Leader and Dance Team Leader. In addition Marilyn serves as the Larimer County Fair Open Class Weaving and Spinning Superintendent. Besides her own two girls she is Mom to the 60 to 80 kids in both the Dance Teams and the Silver Spurs 4-H club and hundreds of other Boulder County kids as well.

Molly is an 11 Year Member of Boulder County 4-H. She is the County Dance Team Leader and has also been part of numerous Colorado State Fair Grand Champion Dance teams. She is recognized as the Colorado State Fair Champion in Utility Air Rifle, Utility Air Rifle team, and Compound Traditional Archery Team. She has won Champion in weaving at the Colorado State Fair for many years. At the county level she has won Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion plaques in Shooting Sports, Heritage Arts, Fashion Review, Macrame, Ceramics, and Foods. Molly has also served as 4-H Royalty and 4-H Ambassador. In 2007 and 2008 she participated in the Colorado 4-H Air Rifle Team for the National Invitational. Last year, she has taken the roll of Assistant Superintendent of Global Citizenship, Clover Buds and other Departments for the Boulder County Fair.

Katherine is also an 11 Year Member of Boulder County 4-H. She has won the Colorado State Fair Champion in Compound Traditional Archery, Compound Traditional Archery Team, and Air Pistol Team. She is a team member of the Colorado 4-H Air Rifle for the 2009 National Invitational. She has been a member of numerous Colorado State Fair Grand Champion Dance teams. Katherine’s accomplishments at the county level include many Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion plaques in Shooting Sports, Heritage Arts, Fashion Review, Ceramics, and Foods. In 2007 and 2008 she was the Boulder County Fair – Champion of Champions – Horse and in 2007 she was the County Round Robin winner for horse.
Please join the Boulder County Fair Board as we thank the Cooks for their support, dedication, and years of service to our county fair.

Boulder County Fair Family 2008

You could say the Boulder County Fair is in The Johnson Family's blood. Mom Tonya participated in Boulder County 4-H for 10 years when the fair was still held at Roosevelt Park. When she and husband Richard had their three sons, it was only natural for them to follow in their mom's footsteps. Oldest son Jason was 7 when he first showed a bucket calf and younger brothers Clint and Clay soon followed with their own bucket calves. Over the years all three boys have done a variety of projects including dairy cattle, market beef, breeding beef, market goats, dairy goats, breeding sheep, market sheep, poultry, breeding swine, market swine and shooting sports including 22 rifle, muzzle loader, shot gun and archery. One year the three boys took over 40 project animals to the fair! All three boys have done well with all of their projects, winning several honors. The accomplishmments the family is most proud of has been the boys' judging skills and their accomplishments in showmanship. Livestock judging has even earned them all several scholarships toward their education.
Both Jason and Clay have been heavily involved in the 4-H Youth Council, serving several offices including President and Fair Board Representatives. Clay was on the ambassador team and Jason was fair royalty.
Tonya has been a superintendent for Dairy Cattle and Round Robin for a number of years. This year she is on the livestock advisory team for the bovine area. The whole family has helped with beef, sheep anf goat tag-ins. Tonya is the organizational leader for Rinn Valley Livestock 4-H Club and helps with the judging team whenever possible. She has also organized several fundraisers for both the 4-H club and the judging team.
For the last 15 years the Boulder County Fair and 4-H has been a big part of the Johnson family's lives. This year will be Clint and Clay's last year and they have entered 23 animals between them as well as their shooting projects. Clint and Clay will be attending Northeastern Junior College this fall and Jason just graduated from CSU this spring.

Thanks for all you have done for the Boulder County Fair, Johnson Family!

Boulder County Fair Family 2004

The 2004 Boulder County Fair, Livestock Show & Rodeo "Family of the Year" is The Joe Smith Family.

Visitors to the Boulder County Fair get a rare chance to see some of the county’s finest youth and adults proudly displaying their hard work at the top-notch fairgrounds. What many don’t see is all the hard work and dedication that it takes to make the event possible.

Behind the scenes there is one family that has gone above and beyond to support the Boulder County Fair and the youth of the community.

The Joe Smith family of Longmont, Colorado, has been named the Boulder County Fair Family of the Year and they could not be more deserving of the honor. The Smith’s have been an integral part of not only the Fair but also the Boulder County community for many generations. They have been strong supporters of the youth and agriculture in the county and have left a lasting impression on all they have helped.

Joe has been dedicated to helping out with the Fair and agriculture from an early age when he started in 4-H. "I’ve been involved since 9 years old. That’s something I always liked was the Fair," he related. After 4-H he became an integral part of the Jaycees organization, working as director of their rodeo.

When it was time to move the fairgrounds from Roosevelt Park to its current location, Joe, of course, was right there to help out, working with architects and putting together the new facilities.

Joe also worked to keep agriculture alive in Boulder County. He farmed for about 20 years and then started his own business, St. Vrain Paving Inc., which has played a big part in what he has donated to the Fair.

"When I’ve got extra asphalt, I go to the fairgrounds," he related. Joe has given materials and equipment to pave most of the parking lots and install the flooring in the indoor arena.

Among Joe’s many acts of kindness he also bought and donated the trailer for the ticket sales, donated panels, donated monetarily what the county didn’t cover for new bleachers in the Indoor Arena, donated the use of equipment such as tractors and graders for the outdoor arena and is working to help buy a ticket office for the Boulder County Fair.

"He’s donated just a whole lot of time and money towards the Fair every year," said Fair Livestock Superintendent Clarence Kneebone.

His list of donations are long, but this is a man who wears many hats. Joe has also been on the Boulder County Fairboard for around 10 years and has served on the livestock sale committee for around 20. According to Kneebone, Joe has also served on several fair committees and is a valuable member for any group he helps with because he stands up for his principles and keeps what’s best for Boulder County at heart.

As part of the sale committee, Joe works hard to bring in buyers for the youth while encouraging youth to get out there and drum up their own sale support from the community. Youth even knock on his door in hopes he will buy at the sale knowing that when it comes to selling their animal, Joe will be the first to raise his bid number.

It is in this capacity that Joe has been able to make such an impact on the youth of the Boulder County. He tries to buy as many animals of as many different species, from sheep to chickens, as he can and usually donates the animals back to their owners.

"Joe loves to help anybody who is new in 4-H, to give them an incentive," said his wife, Sherri, who also helps out at the livestock sale along with any other family members that Joe can get involved.

"Joe’s done some amazing things for the Fair. You can’t say enough about him. He’s a pretty amazing guy," said Boulder County Fair Manager Kathy Lynch.

The Boulder County Fair also gives Joe a chance to display a hobby of his — antique tractors. He said that he usually brings in a half dozen or so tractors that he has restored to the Fair. This hobby is something that he and Sherri share together, which is good because they own 44 restored tractors.

"My wife is interested. She’s really behind me and she just likes it," Joe related, adding that her support has been very important.

The couple is so dedicated that just a year after Joe was involved in a life threatening car accident, he brought tractors to the Fair, with the help of Sherri, whom he said kept him going during his recovery.

And if the couple’s involvement in the Fair wasn’t enough, Joe and Sherri are very involved in their church and Joe also donates whatever he can to other community groups, such as FFA.

"He loves helping people whether it’s Fair people or not," Sherri said.

"I think everything I have done has come from my heart because I wanted to," said Joe.

Joe’s enthusiasm for the Fair is apparent in the whole family. His and Sherri’s children, Tari and Rick, went through the 4-H program and now the grandchildren, Landan, Kylee, Lauryn and Zacharie, are all in 4-H in Boulder County.

"His kids are just as helpful as he and his wife are. That whole family has been a big supporter of the Fair," said Kneebone.

With all that they do, it is obvious that the Boulder County Fair truly has a special place in the Smith family’s heart and vice versa. It is with honor that the Smith family is named the 2004 Boulder County Fair "Family of the Year."

Boulder County Fair Family 2003

BCF Family of the Year, The Throckmortons

4-H and FFA have been a part of Jerry and Carol 's lives since they were in Marvin Swanson's South West Longmont 4-H Club as kids. Jerry is the son of Jerry Sr. and Jackie Throckmorton of Longmont and Carol is the daughter of Herb and Loretta Lightsey formerly of Longmont.

In 1971, Jerry enrolled with a beef project and added swine over the years in both 4-H and FFA. He enjoyed ag-business in FFA and his Ag teacher, Mr. Lightsey, became his father in law in 1981. Carol began 4-H also in 1971 and added beef, sewing and needle crafts during her years. They joined the Junior Fairboard after high school. Spending a week in August every summer helping Jim Flynn run the hog show became a tradition. When Jim retired a few years ago Jerry replaced him as superintendent. Both have been actively involved over the years with the Market Stock Sale Committee also.

They live southeast of LaSalle on Jerry's great grandfather's land with their children Erin 17 and Ryan 13, who are enrolled in swine and poultry projects with Boulder County. They attend Platte Valley High School and Middle School in Kersey. Erin, a junior, plays softball, basketball and is on student council. She hopes to get a teaching degree in college. Ryan, a 7th grader, plays basketball, runs track and sings with the Greeley Children's Chorale. Ryan is looking forward to FFA when he gets to High School.

They would like to say that the Boulder County Fair truly has a special place in their hearts and they are honored to be the 2003 Family of the Year. Thank you.

The Family of the Year is nominated and voted on by the Boulder County Fair Board. It is an honorary position (no formal responsibilities) conveying our appreciation for a Family's hard work and participation.

Boulder County Fair Family 2002

The 2002 Boulder County Fair, Livestock Show & Rodeo "Family of the Year" is The Laber Family of Longmont, Colorado. The Laber Family is a long-time supporter of 4-H and the Boulder County Fair. In fact, this young farming family represents the 4th generation of Laber's to participate in the Fair.

The Family of the Year is nominated and voted on by the Boulder County Fair Board. It is an honorary position (no formal responsibilities) conveying our appreciation for a Family's hard work and participation.
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