Royal Critter Contest!
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Royal Critter Contest!

Do you have a pig that's a ham, a goat that gobbles up applause, a pony that loves the limelight, a dog that knows a few tricks - or any guinea pig, cat, cow, chicken, horse, sheep or duck with royal potential?
Enter in the Boulder County Fair Royal Critter Contest!

2025 Submissions are Open!

Submit an entry form and short essay to the Boulder County Fair by July 25, finalists will compete in person on Wed, July 31, where one lucky critter will be crowned Critter King or Queen of the Boulder County Fair. The Royal Critter will reign throughout the fair, with a special stall or pen set up for their adoring public to visit with them and regular updates on the web page and social media. Winner will be awarded $100 cash prize and a rotating trophy!

Entry Rules

  • Youth owner must be a current Boulder County 4-H or FFA member.
  • Animal must be a project animal ID’d for the current year and scheduled to be shown at the fair.
  • Youth may only enter one animal per year.
  • Fill out entry form, submit by July 25.
  • Write an introduction explaining why your critter should be crowned this year’s Boulder County Fair Royal Critter.
  • Include a photo of you and your critter.
  • Mail submissions to Boulder County Fair, 9595 Nelson Rd, Longmont CO 80501 or email to (Subject line: Critter Contest)

Royal Critter Contest 2025

Fill out the form below, and don't forget to submit an essay and photo of you and your animal!
Photo of Animal and their Youth Owner
Write short essay in text field, or attach here.

2024 Boulder County Fair's Royal Critter

Daphne, the Guernsey cross dairy goat and her owner Rhiannon McDermid

2023 Boulder County Fair's Royal Critter

Jewel, the Brown Swiss cow, and her owner Brielle Upchurch

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