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Become A Sponsor

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Why Sponsor the Boulder County Fair

Brightly colored Ferris Wheel at night
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As a sponsor you're part of the excitement and fun that draws over 160,000 fair attendees who are ready for some fun during the Boulder County Fair. Your participation will play a critical role in sustaining and enriching our great Boulder County Fair traditions. With a history of showcasing the leadership and accomplishments of both 4-H and FFA youth, we provide educational and entertaining opportunities for all attendees, meeting the interests and challenges of a changing world. We provide all this in a jam-packed, fun-filled, family-oriented event without charging an admission fee or parking fee.
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Promote & boost your business image:

The Boulder County Fair gives you the power to reach a large, diverse group of consumers in a cost-effective manner during our event. In addition to on-site promotions, we have utilized social media and advertising campaigns. As a sponsor of the Boulder County Fair, we can create a tailor made package of investment opportunities that will market your product or services and get you the recognition you deserve. Your sponsorship will not only provide needed resources for this community event, but promotes goodwill in the community while increasing brand recognition.
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Enhance your client and employee relations:

The Boulder County Fair at 153 years old is the longest running county fair in Colorado. This venue offers entertaining and educational experiences for the whole community. We can provide fun filled VIP events and activities for clients or for the entire office to experience the carnival, great food, livestock exhibits, music, and more.
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Become a Partner with the Boulder County Fair:

Partnerships are vital to the mission and success of the Boulder County Fair and we thank and value each partner for their generous contributions and continued support.

Sponsorship packages detailed in the brochure below for any amount, from $20 to $20,000 or more.

For more information on how to align your organization with our event, please contact the Fair Office at (720) 864-6460 or e-mail at
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