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Vendor Applications Are Now Open!

Applications are now open for the 2025 Boulder County Fair.
Read below for details on dates, times and how to apply.

Yummy ribbon fries displayed on a table with a blue table cloth
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Thank you for your interest in being a vendor at the 2025 Boulder County Fair, we are busy planning an exciting 5 days of fun and non-stop entertainment, rides, food, exhibits and more.

2025 Fair Dates & Hours
Wed, Aug 6 - Sun, Aug 10
10:00am - 11:00pm

**For 2025 all vendor spaces will be for outdoor locations only**
No vendor booths will be located in the Exhibit Building this year.

Booths do not include electricity, if your booth requires electricity you will need to provide your own generator or add on electricity.

All applications go through a selection process. Applicants are not decided on a first come, first served basis. However, returning vendors are given special consideration. Location is determined by Fair Management. Large exhibits and activities may be designated to specific areas as determined by the Fair Management. Applications are reviewed and selections are offered based on the following criteria:

*Product balance within Fairgrounds
*Uniqueness and appeal of product
*Local business or non-profit

Booth Types and Rates
❖ Commercial (10x10)…………… $ TBD fee for 5 days
❖ Food Vendor (10x10)............... .. $ TBD fee for 5 days
❖ Non-Profit...................... $ TBD fee for 5 days
❖ 110V Electrical hookup...................... $200
❖ 30AMP Electrical hookup...................... $300
❖ 50AMP Electrical hookup...................... $300

Food Vendors (sale of food and beverages):
Food Vendors to sell non-carnival food (no cotton candy, corn dogs, caramel/candy apples, turkey legs and funnel cakes). Applicants must list all menu items and pricing for consideration. Food Vendors must open no later than 2:00pm and remain open until at least 11:00pm. (Fair hours are 10:00am - 11:00pm)

Commercial Vendors (sale or exhibit a product, service):

Commercial Vendors must submit proposed merchandise items for sale for consideration. Commercial Vendors must open no later than 2:00pm and remain open until 10:00pm

Non-profit (501(c)3):
We offer discounted rate for any non-profit to dispense information about their organization. No merchandise, food or beverages may be sold by Non-profit Vendors without prior approval.

Agreements will be issued following selection and payment is due at that time as well. Payment may be made by cash, check, or via web page. Failure to pay by dates due shall result in forfeiture of space. Should your company be invited to participate in the Fair, an agreement valid for the 2025 Fair will be issued. Exhibitors must provide a certificate of insurance in the amount specified in the contract or may purchase insurance through the Fair for a fee. Proof of Insurance is due June 1. Vendor booth fee is non-refundable.

2025 Vendor Application

Please complete the application below to apply to be a vendor for 2025. We will contact you if you have been selected.

Contact Information

Vendor Information

Previous Vendor

Please describe/list the products displayed/sold

Booth Information

Required Booth Size

Will you require any of the following?
Please select all the apply

This application does not guarantee placement. If chosen for placement, I will be able to provide the following:
- COI listing the following as additionally insured: County of Boulder, State of Colorado, a body corporate and politic and Boulder County Fair, Livestock Show, and Rodeo is named as additional insured with respect to general liability. OR fee to be added to Boulder County Fair insurance.
- Contract & $100 non-refundable deposit due by June 1st.
I agree to the following:
- No refunds.

I agree to the terms & conditions above
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